San Diego

We were going to San Diego in August but events conspired against us, so we went in December. In August, of course, a campground cabin would have been perfect. In December we needed a space heater. But we were lucky -- It was sunny and uncrowded.

Evan provided inspiration for the tree. It wouldn't have been December without it.

Garrett and I went on a tour of the San Diego Bay. Though the boat was outfitted to hold a crowd, there wasn't one and we could sit or stand anywhere.

We visited ships and boats including Midway, a Navy ship built during WWII, and other Historic Ships at the Maritime Museum.

Garrett's 14th

Z,D,R,I and Garrett after several rounds of Laserquest.


For Thanksgiving we visited our good friends, K. and S. Their son, R., has been a good friend of Garrett's since they were infants. K.'s mother and stepfather, as well as some other friends, were there too.

At Home

YCIS 1st - 5th grade classes deliver boxes from a food drive and tour the CSA Food and Nutrition Center.

Imagination Day

Children dress as a favorite character from a book they've read or, for the younger children, have had read to them.

The Arabian outfit is not a costume as the Principal, Mr. M, spent several years at an international school in Kuwait.

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