Santa Cruz

Our family trip to the Santa Cruz Boardwalk.

Picking Garrett Up from Camp

About 5 minutes from camp, Evan starting singing "We're going to see Garrett; We're going to see Garrett; We're going to see Garrett..."

The hair is something, eh? The girls at his camp thought so too. "Ooooo Garrett!" and "You're not leaving, are you?!"

Garrett and a camp coach, R

Janet and Evan

Janet came to visit and Evan had a chance to hang out with his Aunt. Garrett was away at camp, so Evan had undivided attention. We saw Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix, and played miniature golf.

Robot Lego Camp

This past week Evan built robot Legos. Most moved on wheels but the robot dog moved legs, separately. The cars, a 4 wheeled and a 6 wheeled car, could be programmed to move left, right, in circles, even zig-zag. Evan was given a certificate for "Speediest Builder."

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