2nd Grade Field Day

I took a vacation day and helped at Evan's school during Field Day. I was assigned to the 'Fire Starter/Fighter' station. 'Fire Starters' prop up orange 'fire' cones, while 'Fire Fighters' knock out the 'fires' with soccer balls.

The scene was chaotic, but the kids got quite a workout.

Each class visited each station for 15 minutes, and there were 10 classes. In the middle there was a 1/2 hour break. Thankfully!

Evan's 2nd grade class came by the Fire Starter/Fighter station for the first 15 minutes, and I took a lot of pictures.

They were tired and hot by the end of their 15 minutes, so they took a water break.

In Evan's class there are 10 girls and 9 boys, including Evan.

This is Mrs. H, Evan's teacher. She's been at the school for 17 years.

Off they go, to the next station.

I was going to end with Mrs. H's class leaving, but then decided to add this one from the other 2nd grade, Mr. M's class.

Mother's Day

For Mother's Day Garrett and Walter cooked breakfast and dinner.

Dinner was a production: lamb chops baked with cranberry and orange stuffing, green beans, and chocolate custard for desert.

It was delicious!

Evan made two Mother's Day cards and a pair of clip earrings, courtesy of his new school, which I wore nearly all day.

Carnivorous plants

Evan, L, C, and I visited the San Francisco Conservatory of Flowers to see an exhibit on carnivorous plants. We saw Venus Fly Traps, Pitcher Plants, Fly Paper Plants, and others.

A single trap, one pair of leaves, on a Venus Fly Trap plant can digest up to 3 small bugs and open about 5 times before the trap wilts. Fortunately, each plant has many traps.

In addition to the special exhibit, we visited most of the other rooms at the conservatory. Because it was hot and damp, we spent more time outside than inside. The boys found a tree to climb, we took a short hike, and we had a picnic lunch.

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