2nd Grade Field Day

I took a vacation day and helped at Evan's school during Field Day. I was assigned to the 'Fire Starter/Fighter' station. 'Fire Starters' prop up orange 'fire' cones, while 'Fire Fighters' knock out the 'fires' with soccer balls.

The scene was chaotic, but the kids got quite a workout.

Each class visited each station for 15 minutes, and there were 10 classes. In the middle there was a 1/2 hour break. Thankfully!

Evan's 2nd grade class came by the Fire Starter/Fighter station for the first 15 minutes, and I took a lot of pictures.

They were tired and hot by the end of their 15 minutes, so they took a water break.

In Evan's class there are 10 girls and 9 boys, including Evan.

This is Mrs. H, Evan's teacher. She's been at the school for 17 years.

Off they go, to the next station.

I was going to end with Mrs. H's class leaving, but then decided to add this one from the other 2nd grade, Mr. M's class.

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