Arrive and Hike

We arrived in Tampa late on Sunday, went to W's sister's condo, stayed up later, then slept till 8 am California time, which we kept explaining was early. As it was nearly noon in Tampa, nobody was buying.

Looking from J's patio.

Grandpa and Grandma stayed in the recliners. The mini-pup is Sailor, perched on a favorite spot. The TV is on.

Sitting on the patio.

From the left-rear, niece S, G, niece C, E, and Sailor.

We hiked along a section of trail, about 3 miles.

Every so often along the trail are coolers of icy water. A pet bowl on the ground captures drips.

Saw palmetto is a formidable weed. Controlled burns keep it down.

Taking a rest.

The trail is paved and shared.

Unlike many California bicyclists, Floridians heed their non-wheeled travelers, slowing and maneuvering around them. Maybe the heat contributes to a sense of leisure.



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