Arriving at Death Valley

Going places in California means going over, through, or around mountain ranges. Most trips include stretches of two lane, twisting roads with no or few trees to block 'scenic' views. The gut wrenching part of this particular trip was taken by a couple of thankfully short stretches on Highway 190 between Olancha and Stovepipe Wells. The picture below was taken as we descended from the last few comparatively gentle turns into Death Valley.

After checking in to our motel, we took a short walk. This sign sits just off the road going past Stovepipe Wells. It's worth recalling that most of Death Valley is below sea level. To the left of the sign is the moon. At night it shone brightly enough to block multitudes of stars we had hoped to see.

This looks past the sign to Stovepipe Wells. Our motel room is in the building on the far left.

We walked toward the mountains seen behind our motel above. Looking toward the horizon below, you can see our motel and Stovepipe Wells. In the direction we walked it looked just as you see, sloping upward toward the mountains. Landscape features are formed by runoff. Though it doesn't rain much, when it rains water flows quickly.

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