Sand Dunes Death Valley

The pictures below were taken nearing sunset, toward the end of our visit to Death Valley. The next day, all day, we drove home. The dunes are the Stovepipe Wells Sand Dunes, about 2 miles from our motel.

The deciduous bush is Honey Mesquite, the pods of which were used by Indians to make tea, syrup, and pinole, while the green blush is creosote. Besides these, there are small bits of tumbleweed and a few patches of rabbit bush. In other parts of Death Valley we saw some desert holly and a few flowers.

Dried mud.

Garrett and Evan were rolling down the dunes. As you can see from the footprints, Death Valley over Presidents Day was popular. The further from the road, the fewer footprints, though a number continue on. The next windstorm will clean them out but, in the 21st Century when Mt. Everest and Antarctica are regular destinations, it's a bit silly to pretend visit a pristine landscape.

The dunes are deep and cover a large area.

The sun is nearly gone.

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