
When we visit M, we usually spend part of a day trying to shoot targets. Since we're urbanites who are neither police nor gangsters, this means the last time we shot anything was the last time we visited M (or C).

M, a generous host, makes sure we all hit something at least once. In my case 'once' is literal, while G and W fare better.

As you can see, there's a whole lot of nothing surrounding the adobe hills in Delta County. There's probably no safer place on earth for target practice, as long as you're not with Dick Cheney.

It's obvious why rural folks don't understand why city folks are shy about guns. It can be difficult to imagine a place in which, during a single day, it's possible to walk past hundreds of people about which you know nothing... and that if one of those unknown people is crazy and has a gun, tens of people can quickly wind up dead.

M thinks some laws are best fashioned for the local community. He has a point. In the country most people could care less whether a neighbor has a rifle or a hand gun, or whether it's single or multi-shot. In a city most folks would prefer for their neighbors to be gun free, or at least free of small-guns-that-can-be-hidden-and-shoot-fast such as semi-automatic handguns.


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