Suncatcher Inn

We wanted to stay close to M's house, in something more comfortable than a motel, so we looked at bed and breakfast locations. An internet search turned up a few possibilities, but most were not kid friendly or the owners wanted a windfall. After a few queries, we decided to stay at the Suncatcher Inn. As the internet site states, the Inn is solar powered and built with straw-bale walls.

Below is the solarium, a common room on the first floor and a comfortable place to read.

This is the view looking south from the front of the Inn. From profile of the mountains, you can see that the Inn is west of M's house.

On several mornings after breakfast we walked up the road next to the Inn.

There are two switch-backs on the way up the road. This picture was taken after turning on the first switch-back. The Inn can be seen in the lower right of the picture.


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